Cemungudh ea

Hello! So today I finally took a train from Tanah Abang to my campus for the first time again after forever.
Met a high school friend at the station and we got to the same car.
Arrived at 7.
At 9, I already regretted my decision to come to campus because I could hardly open my eyes and stayed awake.
But I kept going, talking with another high school mate because I couldn't find anyone from my major.

Oh, it was half past 11 already! Break time, people!
It was total luck that I met Tasya, then I saw Ayu, Nadis, Muthy, and Annisa.
We had some talks, nothing so important
At 12, we decided to have lunch to a place near the railroad, but it was full as hell.
We went our separate ways. Tasya, Annisa, and I went to A while the others went to... idk

Us three decided to sneak out from the event to Annisa's place to do Dzuhur prayer
When we arrived there, LAH ketemu Ayu, Nadis, Muthy, dan seorang teman lagi.

Akhirnya cabut deh kita^^
Balik-balik ngasih IRS ke Ais
Lalu pulang naik kereta bersama Vines, penuhnya hampir kayak empang lele
Pas nyampe di rumah bete karena MPK Olahraga udah penu u u u u u hh banget >100 orang masuk waiting list :( :( :(
Ya sudah lah. Mungkin w ditakdirkan untuk jadi geng artsy.

p.s. sorry for the mixed languages. I love mixed languages.

This entry was posted on Monday, August 18, 2014. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

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