everything's almost perfect now

yeah, that's true, everything's almost perfect noww, i'm back with my hairdryer, i just knew the reason behind my broken thingy few days ago, but it's okay :)

DAN SEKARANG GUE LAGI LIBURAN. judulnya doang liburan. tapi isinya?? mati kebosenan dirumah. jadinya kerjaan tiap hari cuman: tidur makan mandi online twitter webcam sama fanny --"

2010 is the most amazing year -- for me. Really, i got my first in 2010, learned some importants stuffs, know what kind of friend you really have to choose, etc.

Berhubung nilai rapot gue yang suram, gue memutuskan untuk tidak bilang apa2 sama nyokap saya sampe hasil UTS semester 1 kelas 9 nanti. Doain dong semoga bagus huhu jadi ga perlu ngumpet-ngumpet lagi T___T

Terus doain juga biar semester 1 kelas 9 gue masuk 10 besar biar boleh laptop-behel, sial nih gara2 rapot surem laptopnya dicancel HUHU MONYET. Sekarang kerjaan gue cuman baca ebook HP 3-7 -___- Oenyoe.

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