My Introduction(s) in Daily Life: A Summary

"Haii gue (insert name), lo?" *shake hands*
"Adhayuu" *still shakes hands*
"Hah siapa?" *still shakes hands awkwardly*
"Adhayu hehe" *let go*

*insert conversation number 1*
"Lo orang Bali ya?"
"Bukaan hehe" *melipir*

*insert conversation number 1*
"Panggilannya apa? Ayu?"
"Adhayuu" *melipir*

(this is a continuity of all three types of my introductions)
Whoever *tries* to call me "Yu", in the end calls me "Dhay"
There are less than 5 people who call me the former.

This entry was posted on Friday, March 20, 2015. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

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