Archive for March 2015

My Introduction(s) in Daily Life: A Summary

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"Haii gue (insert name), lo?" *shake hands*
"Adhayuu" *still shakes hands*
"Hah siapa?" *still shakes hands awkwardly*
"Adhayu hehe" *let go*

*insert conversation number 1*
"Lo orang Bali ya?"
"Bukaan hehe" *melipir*

*insert conversation number 1*
"Panggilannya apa? Ayu?"
"Adhayuu" *melipir*

(this is a continuity of all three types of my introductions)
Whoever *tries* to call me "Yu", in the end calls me "Dhay"
There are less than 5 people who call me the former.

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It's starting to get me, you know, rejection.

It's getting tiring, I'm getting bored with it.
What do I have to do to be better than me?

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the proverb lyric "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" is just confusing on so many levels.

Like, hell it's so illogical. It killed me in so many ways, and it still kills me everytime some shit flashes before me. But I guess people react differently to what killed them, some decided to die with it, while others decided they will avenge it.

I myself decided to avenge it by achieving something greater, a friend of mine did too (heck even our circle say that he slayed every people responsible in his rejection). I haven't done that, but I'm afraid that I only achieve plan B to slay them. I don't want to have something based on hatred (no, I'm not saying my friend did it on hatred)

maybe the lyric only makes sense in the "makes you stronger" IF you decided to chin up and go chase something else, doesn't necessarily have to be bigger tho.

and anyway, wish me luck! I hope I'll pass all the selection stages!