Two weeks ago, I learned that shit happens no matter how good I think of myself, I'll never be as good as I am in my head, and to keep expectations low, and it feels unbelievably good to listen to John Mayer after a heartbreak... and it's okay to cry for once in a while. (it still nudges me a bit until now tho)
A little bit after two weeks ago, I learned that Ed Sheeran's "what didn't kill me, it never made me stronger at all" talk was true. I was walking through the five stages of grief, but even until now I think I'll never get past the fifth stage. I also learned about acceptance.
Today I learned that it feels good being fit in, to belong and to be accepted by a group --something I rarely feel--. I also learned that at times, silence is gold.
While I'm typing this post, I learn that the most important things are not taught in class. The class for this kind of thing is way up at the whole new level -- it is the life itself.
I currently learned...
This entry was posted on Monday, February 23, 2015. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.