-INSERT TITLE HERE-!!!!!!!!!!!!
My twitter behaved normally when I opened it this morning. But minutes later my timeline couldn't refresh and I couldn't tweet oh God nooooo
But my smart side of brain turned on itself and said "Let's go check to web"
and it's suspended, for real. Fuck.
Calm down! I decided to write a letter to Twitter about how kind and sweet and funny I am when it comes to Twitter. But I really am that kind of girl in real world, right?
I can understand if it's an accident by Twitter crews......but I know some accounts are suspended because a large group of people blocked them.
Who, would block or report me as spam. -- in large group? You are so mean :"(
I'm serious. It's become my life, it's even bigger since my TV broke and it became my only source of happiness and news and you took it as a joke. You don't understand the happy sense every time my timeline refresh and would bring new information --not matter how big or small--. I love Twitter. I love MY Twitter account. I don't want to lose you; my followers, AND MY FOLLOWINGS. OHMYGOD THEY'VE BEEN RESPONSIBLE FOR EVERY KNOWLEDGE I HAVE UNTIL THIS SECOND.
These days God taught me what not to take for granted; which is everything, anything.
Including my cyber world? Oh God, you're taking it too far.
Anyway Twitter said "We will respond your letter by sending email in a few days. But in some cases, it may take longer."
Good bye, world.
This entry was posted on Monday, April 15, 2013. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.