Ga kuat qaqa

That's IT. Gue daritadi ngerjain makalah remed PKn gak konsen karena abis nonton Perahu Kertas 2 fufufu T___T. As the reader, I'm...... not so impressed BUT as the audience, that shit cray. No I mean the movie KILLED IT. Gue suka banget teknik pengambilan gambarnya biarpun gue gak ngerti apapun tentang itu, tapi bagus :") dan masya Tuhan, scoringnya indah sekaliiii :"""""")

DAN KALO ADA MTV MOVIE AWARDS DI INDONESIA, gue yakin pasti I'm sure Reza Rahadian and Elyzia Mulachela would win the Scene Stealer awards. They did it magnificently, dan at some point, I'm more interested with them, not the main characters.

...........dan gue masih terbayang-bayang Remi. Iye. Sampe sekarang. Makanya gue ngeblog karena ga bisa konsen sambil ngerjain PKn-_-. Eh, Remi apa Reza Rahadian-nya yaaaaaa hwhwhw jadi maloe :3

Anjrit. Masih sedihhhh pas Remi balikin buku dongengnya ke Kugy. Haaaa won't be able to move on from this for the next few days, I guess.

Ya Allah, cariin Remi-nya saya ya Allah.

*n.b. kalo bisa yang mirip Reza Rahadian, ya Allah.

This entry was posted on Monday, October 8, 2012. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

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