Archive for October 2012

Ga kuat qaqa

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That's IT. Gue daritadi ngerjain makalah remed PKn gak konsen karena abis nonton Perahu Kertas 2 fufufu T___T. As the reader, I'm...... not so impressed BUT as the audience, that shit cray. No I mean the movie KILLED IT. Gue suka banget teknik pengambilan gambarnya biarpun gue gak ngerti apapun tentang itu, tapi bagus :") dan masya Tuhan, scoringnya indah sekaliiii :"""""")

DAN KALO ADA MTV MOVIE AWARDS DI INDONESIA, gue yakin pasti I'm sure Reza Rahadian and Elyzia Mulachela would win the Scene Stealer awards. They did it magnificently, dan at some point, I'm more interested with them, not the main characters.

...........dan gue masih terbayang-bayang Remi. Iye. Sampe sekarang. Makanya gue ngeblog karena ga bisa konsen sambil ngerjain PKn-_-. Eh, Remi apa Reza Rahadian-nya yaaaaaa hwhwhw jadi maloe :3

Anjrit. Masih sedihhhh pas Remi balikin buku dongengnya ke Kugy. Haaaa won't be able to move on from this for the next few days, I guess.

Ya Allah, cariin Remi-nya saya ya Allah.

*n.b. kalo bisa yang mirip Reza Rahadian, ya Allah.


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Duh. Gue tiba-tiba kangen SMP. Jaman-jaman gue masih amat sangat teramat alay................... dan naif. Tapi gue nyengir2 jijik sendiri loh abis liat2 timeline facebook gue hahahaha. Miris juga sih sebenernya-__-

Gak tau kenapa nih gue tiba-tiba jenuuuhhh bgt sama kegiatan gue yang gue rasa tuh itu-itu doang. Padahal sebenernya kegiatan gue gak dikit-dikit amat kok. Kayaknya gue udah sampe di titik kejenuhan hidup gue deh #tsahh. But is it even possible to get to this point at age 15? Gue butuh kegiatan baruuuuu T___T
Gue ngerasa terkekang banget padahal gak ada yang mengekang gue. Gue kangen masa belajar XI IPA E. Gue kangen X-D. Kangen semuanyaaaaaahhh, when nobody cared about society, when nobody did something to be called as cool kid, when everybody did what they wanted....

................then I realized people are just growing up. Gak ada yang salah dengan segala hal itu, tapi jenuh gak sih ketika keseharian lo dikelilingi hal-hal yang dangkal? Makin dewasa bukannya makin jujur, tapi malah makin banyak kepura-kepuraan, drama, dan hal-hal gak penting lainnya. Plisdeh. NOT that I never did any of those things, just sayin. Gue kangeeeenn banget temen-temen 'gak nyata' gue yang dulu, kangenn cerita-cerita kayak anak kecil, but then I think they're growing up, too. And you, I hope you read this.

"...tapi di planet bernama Realitas ini, begitu aturan mainnya." -Perahu Kertas.

Beginilah adanya. Realitas. Hanya bisa melaju mengikuti arus, menanti apa yang Semesta pilih untuk kita, atau diam, terbawa mundur, terjebak di masa lalu dan gak ada gunanya.

It's fascinating what discussing-with-my-mind can bring. It calms me. It's much better than discussing with any kind of real person. Because in the end it's you that find the way out, not anyone else. And nothing's better than your own way, at least for you. Thank you, the great mind of mine.

Current Obsession

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Kenapa ya gue selalu ada mood untuk nge-post pas malem-malem sebelum tidur? Anyone?
Tapi apalah arti waktu ya, yang penting kan posts-nya bagus xixixi

This. Is. My. Current. Obsession. Dammit. I first read the book when I was an 8th grader, back in 2010... I guess? I DECLARED I FELL IN LOVE WITH THAT BOOK RIGHT AFTER I FINISHED READING IT. The book tells about Kugy, a fairytale writer; Keenan, an artist; and what's going on between them and people around them. It's pretty complicated, tapi magically gak terlihat dipaksakan sehingga terlihat seperti universe makes them to, and it turns out beautifully. The pain feels so real that you feel it to, gue bukan pembaca lebay yang baca novel sedih dikit mewek. And I cried when I read this.

And on early 2012, the author announced there will be a movie based on this holy novel. I screamed tons of excitement!! Months passed, and it's official, it'd be released on August 16 2012. I PLANNED to watched the movie on that day, but, Universe seems to hate me because I was sick that day. Shit. And until this post is posted, I haven't watched the movie.

BUT CALM DOWN, PIPOL. Dee parted the movies into 2 beautiful parts! I really have to watch the 2nd part -which the gala premiere is TODAY- or I have to kms. You can watch the trailers on youtube, just search 'Perahu Kertas trailer' and click on whatever you want.

I AM IN LOVE WITH THE SOUNDTRACK, it's 'Perahu Kertas' by the amazing Maudy Ayunda. She actedas Kugy, while Keenan is portrayed by Adipati Dolken. "Nothing can beat the readers' imagination." -Dee. Yes, I agree with her. But the cast are pwetty close to perfection, and so is the 1st part of the movie (based on the reviews) and the 2nd part hopefully.

Nus, tunggu saya ya untuk ke pelabuhan terdekat.