1. Imma 9th grader, 13, and proud of it. HAHA.
2. My height is kind of abnormal for another 13 years-old girl.
3. I once was so alay.
4. My heart is taken...... by Tom Felton.
5. I was born at the same hospital with Echa and Indah.
6. Have a little sister, she'll be 4 next February.
7. My sister is seriously different with me, her hair is curly, mine is straight. My eyes are little, hers are big. Our similarity is just we're too tall for our age.
8. When i was born, my weight was just 3,2 kg and my height was 51 cm. Look at me now.
9. I love food.
10. Some buds say I'm pathetic.
11. Sometimes.... i'm deeply lazy to pray.
12. Haven't gone to another country, yet.
14. I hate friend's eater, but not as much as i hate a betrayer.
15. I'm fanatic with Harry Potter, fanatic is pathetic. Yeah, it's rational why he loves to call me pathetic.
16. I hate algebra.
17. I love to turn my dirty mind on.
18. It's hard for me to fall in love, but once i fall, it's kind of impossible to get out from it.
19. It's an odd number.
20. 111 JHS. #COU31.
21. My sister cried like an hour ago, she said "i miss daddy." wasn't that sweet?? Don't worrryy, daddy will be home asap :)
22. I'm trying my best to forget some memories.
23. I want to have my OWN doraemon.
24. I miss my hamsters :((
25. I want to live in LA.
26. I guess someone's mad with me right now.
27. You can kill me if i betray my bestie.
28. I miss Severus Snape and Sirius Black.
29. It's kind of my unfortunate number. HAHA. jkjk.
30. I wanna be a doctor!
31. Don't you realize that i skipped the 13th?? :p