Firstly, iya gue emang ngikutin postnya si Fanny. Kenapa?? soalnya gue lagi males bikin post sendiri (baca: ga ada ide) HAHA -__-" ampuni nenekmu ini ya Faaann :)
Let's start it :)
1. Most of my friends call me Adhayu. But my parents and some of my friends call me Tika :)
You can call me with whatever you want, but i usual with Adhayu :D
2. I like number 2. But..... i didn't like Ramaaaaaa -__-
3. I love milk, cheese, chocolate, anything that contains milk :) I can drink more than 3 glasses of milk per day :))
4. Idk why but now i'm a gadget lovers, i really like to watch all gadgets in the stores but i didn't buy it :p *yeah, acutally i really wanna buy it, but i know my mom wouldn't buy it for me :(*
5. I had 10 best besties in this world:
- Fanny
- Tanda
- Lucas
- Logan
- Indah
- Annisa
- Echa
- Citra
- Riva
- Rana
6. I love dress. But *once again* my mom doesn't want to buy it for meee :((
7. Anyway, i'm really proud to be a Moslem :)
8. To be honest, i'm not a strong girl. Maybe i'm not crying at school, but at home?? And i'll crying more often if i had a lot of problems; family, friendship, love, whatever :)
9. My besties and family are everything to me
10. My 10-favorite-songs:
- Gift of A Friend - Demi Lovato
- Lo Que Soy - Demi Lovato
- Send It On - Jonas Brothers, Miley Cyrus, Demi Lovato, Selena Gomez
- Before The Storm - Miley Cyrus ft. Jonas Brothers
- Everyday Hero - Luke Benward
- Naturally - Selena Gomez
- One In A Million - Hannah Montana
- You'll Be In My Heart - Phil Collins
- Get Up - Luke Benward
-A Little Too Not Over You - David Archuleta
11. I love cheerful colors :)
12. I only have facebook, twitter, ym, msn, blogger, formspring
13. I hate wishy washy people. Example : They didn't believe about something, but then they're really excited about that.
15. I love these words: Sacrifice, and love. It's connected each other, right??
16. I looooovvvveeeee musiicc, that's why i really want an iPod as my birthday present :p
17. Tanda calls me "Mum" ; Stephie calls me "Grandma" ; Lucas calls me "Momma"
Am i really look alike their grandma/mum?? Gosshyyy, even i'm youngeeeeeeeerrr than theeeeyyyy