Just done my civic presentation task! Me so happy (and damn yes tired). But, my other side mind works quite well at night, so let me take 'em out.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I stare at my reflection in the mirrorWhy am I doing this to myself?Losing my mind on a tiny errorI nearly left the real me on the shelfNo, no, no, no, no
Don't lose who you are in the blur of the starsSeeing is deceiving, dreaming is believingIt's okay not to be okaySometimes it's hard to follow your heart
But tears don't mean you're losingEverybody's bruisingJust be true to who you are
Who you are, who you are, who you areWho you are, who you are, who you areWho you are, who you are, who you are
Brushing my hair, do I look perfect?I forgot what to do to fit the mold, yeahThe more I try the less it's working, yeah, yeah, yeah'Cause everything inside me screamsNo, no, no, no, no
Don't lose who you are in the blur of the starsSeeing is deceiving, dreaming is believingIt's okay not to be okaySometimes it's hard to follow your heart
But tears don't mean you're losingEverybody's bruisingThere's nothing wrong with who you are
Yes, no's, egos, fake shows like boomJust go and leave me aloneReal talk, real life, good luck, good nightWith a smile, that's my home, that's my home, noNo, no, no, no, no
Don't lose who you are in the blur of the starsSeeing is deceiving, dreaming is believingIt's okay not to be okaySometimes it's hard to follow your heart
But tears don't mean you're losingEverybody's bruisingJust be true to who you areYeah, yeah, yeah
Dasar, manusia.
Archive for November 2012
Postingan sehabis ngerjain PR
That's just an intermezzo -padahal belom ada apa-apa wkwk- sedang apa nih guisee? Kalo gue sedang feel like being active nih, physically loh. Lagi senang bergeraak :3
Ohiya gue juga lagi seneng sama kimia hohoho karena materinya lagi gampang buat gue. I feel like increasing on Chemistry but unfortunately the same thing doesn't happen to Math. Tapi gue hari Jumat ulangan sel volta T__T bisa gak ya T__T But tomorrow's a day off! Maklumlah Indonesiaaaa, hari raya keagamaan dijadikan hari libur nasional, not that I'm complaining :p
Gue ngerasa berubah nih sejak kelas 11, physically and mentally. Physically, gue lebih gampang capek alias leto0o0y, tapi akhir-akhir ini juga gue seneng gerak, tapi tetep aja udah ga kuat kalo disuruh begadang sampe jam 11-__- umur masih segini tetapi mengapa otot-ototku sejompo ini ya Tuhaaaaannnn *ngais-ngais tanah*. Mentally? Gue ngerasa jaooooooohhhh lebih wise, kepedean? Bodo amat. Jujur bre. Terus intuisi gue makin jalan! Seneeeng xixixi. Terus gue udah menerapkan "write more, talk less" nich. Remember, 'talk' beda yew ama speak, and yes gue masih berbakat jadi editor rempong karena ke-OCD-an gue dalam hal tulis-menulis -dan jutaan hal lainnya-
Gue makin mantap dalam menerapkan mindfulness, biarpun menurut gue itu belum mantap. And it's proven itu sangat membantu gue dalam kehidupan yang rumit ini, sumpe. Dan itu meningkatkan daya ingat gue, jadi mayan lah gue jadi gak pikun-pikun anymore.
Oh yes, gue juga feel like taking risks. Jadi lebih 'bodo amat' sama reaksi orang, tapi bukan berarti gue ngapa-ngapain sesuka gue-__- jadi less-munafik lah pokoknya. Be true to myself before I tell others to.
And by posting this post to public I'm taking risk juga loh wkwk
Many things to tell, little time I have
HEY!! It's been quitee long since the last time I posted anything here. Beberapa hari, well it's been a week since I made my very personal so-called journal, lebih tepatnya tempat berlatih menulis sih hehe, is there any exact word for that? :)
Kyaa sok imut banget gue pake emote senyum, ew. Tapi gue emang lagi seneng banget aaaaaa. Gak, gue gak jadian T___T masih betah jomblo kok T__T. Lagi meresapi dan membenarkan kata Mas Saleh kalo apapun yang dijalankan atas dasar niat baik pasti selalu ada bantuan dan lantjaaar jaya kayak nama bis antar-kota, makanya gue sekarang setiap ragu ngambil langkah, langsung mikirin perkataan Mas Saleh. All hail Mas Saleh......
Gue lagi dibanjiri respek terhadap seseorang nih, ampundeh itu orang fufufu. Btw bener-bener minggu kemaren tuh minggu ujian banget, bukan aja, kesabaran saya diuji, kekerenan saya juga, d0h pokoknya my whole self (and body) lagi diuji deh. But in the end (of the week, literally) semuanya paid off :") Bersyukuuurrr punya keluarga kedua yang baik banget, gak terdeskripsikan deh baiknya, yang selalu boosts my mood anytime. Akoh sayang Paskibra Dharmawangsa dan seluruh unsur-unsurnya :"""
Kenapa jadi menye-menye gini, ini semua gara-gara redoks featuring The Script.