Entah emang bener atau perasaan gue aja, temen2 gue kok jd sering apdet blog ya? Yah ga sering2 amat sih, seenggaknya lebih sering dari biasanya. Ikutan ah!
Some facts that happened in a month:
1. I lost my friend, well she's not kidnapped or murdered by a person, she's kidnapped by... fate? Huhu kadang masih sedih, terus jadi bete kalo ada yang manas-manasin dan dia nulis2 yang ngebetein di account-nya(hehe), tapi...... udah biarin aja deh. I think I can't even talk to her anymore, twitter gue juga kayaknya udah di-block sama dia. Tapi kadang gue suka baca tweetsnya, duh pokoknya berasa abege baru diputusin deh ~.~
2. Gue (dengan segala kehokian yang ada) lulus TPA 78 dan alhamdulillah sekali (Yak, ini telat banget). Tapi buat jadi siswi 78nya, gue masih harus mengahadapi(?) 2 tes lagi, -well sebenernya cuman 1, wawancara kan sama bokap hoho- Yang bikin psikotesnya orang gila kayaknya, too little time to answer 170 questions. Jujur aja, gue ngerasa paling bego pas ngerjain tes bagian 2, jadi kita tuh dikasih gambar bangun ruang, disuruh cari jaring2 mana yang paling tepat, dan jawabannya lebih dari 1.
FYI, score TOEFL gue 500, alhamdulillah bangett, tapi masih ngerasa cemen dari anak2 sekelas, Anggis dapet 575 anjol T____T Seandainya gue mengisi 9 nomer yang kosong itu ya..............
3. Gue lumutan 3 hari dirumah. What I do everyday: bangun, makan, mencet2 remote tv gara2 gaada acara pagi yang asik, makan, tidur-tiduran, main komputer, bosen, nonton tv, makan, mandi, main komputer, tidur. I do no useful things these 3 days. Kampret. Rencananya mau ngurusin badan, eh malah dapet. Jadi ga bisa olahraga, jadi makan mulu, jadi gendut.......
Tapi hikmah(?) 3 hari ga ngapa-ngapain adalah gue bisa daydreaming as long as I want!!! Duh I want Alex so badddd. Anyway have I told you that I just had my best dream I've ever had in 14 yearss?? I won't tell you what my dream was, it's a top secret, as top as krabby patty's secret recipe.
4. Gue masih bete sama temen yang itu. She said that we caused a remarkable pain in her heart. A thing that still hangs on my mind: what did Echa f**kin do to you? She did nothing but being blamed, shouted, and scolded by your mom. Happy? I just can't get how could you do this to us after you asked us to be your friends.
After you took Echa away from me in 7th grade.
After made me being hated by the whole class in 7th grade.
After everything you did to us and what we did to you.
Leaving us to your beloved hometown where your fairytale just started?
Where every single lie was made, those things that tear me up until now?
You told us things that have been pretty unclear now, and -even though you're not the one that told us lies- you're the one who must be responsible to make those things clear. Those left me a deep memories, pains, and things you'll never know what it feels like. At first, I felt like I was wanted, but now since they're gone like ghosts (existed, but fake), I feel.......... like a G6, LOL no. I feel like a shattered glass, knowing that I had never been wanted by real persons. Feelin' like a trash.
5. Gue masih sok-sok bilang diet, tapi sementara gue ngetik post ini, nasi goreng tek-tek lagi dibikin sama abang-abang.